Susan Marlowe CPA plans another movie night

Hello from Susan Marlowe CPA
I am planning another movie night with my little niece. We are going to be watching some of the best animated films.

We will keep you up to date!

Susan Marlowe CPA and the classic movie kid party

Hi there from Susan Marlowe CPA!

Well, I hosted a great kids party for my nieces and nephews and their friends. I showed them The Adventures of Robin Hood, the Errol Flynn version. It was a huge hit for everyone. I made some great felt Robin Hood hats for everyone (my nieces wanted them too, which was awesome!) and we ate turkey legs and drank grape juice.

Anyway, just keeping everyone updated. Thanks from Susan Marlowe CPA!

Susan Marlowe CPA looks forward to another movie night

Well, since it is Spring break, I am planning a movie theme night for my nieces and nephews. The theme is going to be pirates. I am going to show the kids Pirates! Band of Misfits and then I am going to give them eye-patches and feed them pirate-shaped cheese snacks. I have found that I can never go wrong with cheese when it comes to this crowd. It should be great!

Susan Marlowe CPA and The Decidedly Un-Family Movie

Greetings from Susan Marlowe CPA!

I am watching a movie that is decidedly not for the family. This was Charles Laughton’s one and only directorial effort, Night of the Hunter. I am considering at what age would be appropriate for this film. I have two nieces, 8 and 12. And I have four nephews, 6, 9, 13, and 17. I tend to think that I might show it to the 13 and 17 year old boys. A bit of film appreciation.

Anyway, I will update you and let you know how it went.

Thanks from Susan Marlowe CPA