Susan Marlowe CPA and the autumn movie club

Hello from Susan Marlowe, CPA!

Well, it looks like fall is here and that means it is time to enjoy all sorts of autumn themed films. Here is what I am planning to do:

I am going to ask my niece and her friends to come up with a list of their favorite autumn-themed films. Is that not a wonderful idea? The girls range in age from 11 to 14 so there should be a nice variety of films selected. We are going to have an enormous autumn movie night once we decide what we are going to watch. Stay tuned for more news on our movie choices and how our movie celebration went.

-Susan Marlowe, CPA

Susan Marlowe CPA Reports on her first movie club night

Update from Susan Marlowe CPA 3/13/2012

Welcome back from Susan Marlowe CPA. So, hopefully  the burning question on everyone’s mind is: how did the movie night go?

Extremely well, as it happens.

My niece, nicknamed Kimi Peck, wanted Roman Holiday to be our movie of choice and to serve Italian food. Our friends all brought something in the theme and we had a delicious dinner with our movie. The Spaghetti a la Susan Marlowe was tasty but I was in a hurry and the noodles came out a bit al dente. Oh well, no one seemed to mind.

The movie was a huge hit and we had some of Kimi’s friends get converted in their love of Gregory Peck. So, all in all, a smashing success. Afterward, we discussed the movie, compared it to other princess movies and talked about how gender relations have changed since the 50’s. I was very glad to introduce all of these topics to my younger guests. The guests who were more my age all had good insights. All in all, a good time had by all.

What movie shall we do next? We shall see!

Thanks from Susan Marlowe CPA!

Susan Marlowe CPA has a new review up! The Muppets (2011)


Hello from Susan Marlowe, CPA!

At long last, I have a new family film review up! I hope you enjoy it. I went to the movies with my niece, nicknamed Kimi Peck, several weeks ago but haven’t had time to post the review of the film. So, in disgrace, Susan Marlowe posts it now.

I went with Kimi to see the new Muppets movie and let me come right out and say that I loved it. The basic appeal of the Muppets, for me, has always been that they were a family-friendly act with jokes that also appeal to grownups. The Muppets lost that smart appeal sometime in the 90’s. I am happy to say that the new Muppet movie brings back the brains to the fanchise.

Most importantly, how did it play for the kids? Well, Kimi enjoyed herself and really liked the songs. But the highlight for her was seeing Selena Gomez. Too cute!

So, I give this film very high marks for being able to entertain both children and their parents or older siblings.

Thanks for you patience! Susan Marlowe is back in the saddle!


The Susan Marlowe Movie Club, or, How a CPA became a movie fanatic

Recent News Articles December 19, 2011. Susan Marlowe CPA is starting a movie club with her niece, nicknamed Kimi Peck. She is working hard to clean out her movie collection. As a classic film hoarder, Susan Marlowe knows that she has a lot of work and even though she feels embattled, she knows she will succeed. Her uncle in Sacramento has promised to help with the removal of the extra movies. Susan Marlowe, Certified Public Accountant, is a huge fan of family films such as "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" and plans to continue her movie club with Kimi Peck. Ms. Peck has been an enormous help in getting the movie club started. Kimi Peck is a huge fan of Gregory Peck. Also, Susan Marlowe, CPA's nephews have been little darlings about helping. As her favorite scriptwriter would say, hurray for Susan Marlowe CPA!The Susan Marlowe, CPA Movie Club

Welcome to the latest news on my new movie club. I am working on selecting the perfect movie for the very first meeting of the movie club I have started with my niece, Kimi, whom I have nicknamed Kimi Peck because of her love for the classic film actor. I have been researching and polling my friends and trying to decide and here it is:

I am going to show the classic Gregory peck film “Roman Holiday”. I know that Kimi will be thrilled to be watching her favorite actor on screen. I hope that everyone will be happy with this Certified Public Accountant’s choice of film. Kimi Peck is not an easy kid to please but I am confident that i got it right this time.

What other news is happening in Susan Marlowe’s world? Well, I have been kicking around the idea of a movie club since early 2009 but it was the help of my wonderful niece, Kimi Peck, that really made up my mind about the world of classic films and how best to share them with my friends. Susan Marlowe, CPA is nothing if not a procrastinator but I tried my best.

Here is the IMDB profile of Roman Holiday. I am sure you will enjoy it.