Susan Marlowe CPA | The Great Family Film Review with Kimi

Hello from Susan Marlowe CPA! My little niece Kimi says hello as well. We are very excited to announce a new idea for our website. It is the Great Family Film Review. As you all know, Kimi is a huge Gregory Peck fan and she wanted to share her enthusiasm with her classroom. So, she shared a Gregory peck movie with her friends. Well, Kimi gave me an idea. We have book clubs in town. What about a family movie club?

The local antique store Gudger Cludger, has offered to host our club. So, we have an awesome idea, a great place to meet and great people to meet with. If you have never been to Gudger Cludger, you really need to visit it. It is fantastic!

So, in honor of Kimi, we are going to watch a Gregory Peck movie first. Which one? Well that is a secret for now. We will be announcing it very soon.

Other news from Susan Marlowe CPA

So, now that the big announcement is out of the way, what else is happening? Well, Kimi and I are continuing to review family films using the Cynthia Principle. (Read all about the Cynthia Principle on my front page.)

As the great film critic Charlotte Gilbert said, the best films can also be the kindest. I am a huge fan of Charlotte Gilbert, as you can tell.

So, I will continue to review films and post them on the blog as regularly as I can. I am also happy to announce that my honey, Simon Spadaro, is going to be helping with reviews on this site as well. Some of you may know Simon Spadaro from his work in local theater.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy all these reviews. Thanks from Susan Marlowe CPA.