Family Movies for the Film Snob

Hello from Susan Marlowe CPA! My plans to publish more family film reviews was derailed by an unexpected visit from my cousin. My cousin and I get along very well but we have very different taste in movies. She is into the whole arthouse/foreign/oscar-winning sort of thing. That’s great but it makes it hard since a lot of those films have adult content and I still have my nephews staying with me. So, I decided to embrace what could be a problem and make it a solution. I sat down with my cousin and she graciously agreed to help me compile a list of family-friendly films that are also really great films. I have foreign films, classics and even some arthouse. So, give me some time and I will start reviewing these films.

Here is a partial list of the titles we came up with. Now, remember that these films are recommendations from my cousin and have not been reviewed by me yet. Here goes!

  • La belle et la bête (1946)- French version of Beauty and the Beast
  • Children of Heaven (1997)- Iranian movie about children and shoes
  • The Movie Hero (2003)- Indie film about a man who thinks his life is a movie
  • Bill and Coo (1948)- My cousin’s admitted guilty pleasure. An all bird cast.
I will be reviewing these films soon. Looking forward to it. As usual, thanks for reading. Bye from Susan Marlowe CPA!