Susan Marlowe CPA and the classic movie kid party

Hi there from Susan Marlowe CPA!

Well, I hosted a great kids party for my nieces and nephews and their friends. I showed them The Adventures of Robin Hood, the Errol Flynn version. It was a huge hit for everyone. I made some great felt Robin Hood hats for everyone (my nieces wanted them too, which was awesome!) and we ate turkey legs and drank grape juice.

Anyway, just keeping everyone updated. Thanks from Susan Marlowe CPA!

Susan Marlowe CPA looks forward to another movie night

Well, since it is Spring break, I am planning a movie theme night for my nieces and nephews. The theme is going to be pirates. I am going to show the kids Pirates! Band of Misfits and then I am going to give them eye-patches and feed them pirate-shaped cheese snacks. I have found that I can never go wrong with cheese when it comes to this crowd. It should be great!

Susan Marlowe CPA and the movie club

Susan Marlowe CPA and the classic movie club

Bringing Up Baby

Hello from Susan Marlowe CPA!

I have held another edition of my movie club with my niece Kimi. We showed the classic Bringing Up Baby. Comedy gold! We all enjoyed watching it and Kimi was particularly enchanted with Katherine Hepburn. She is truly hilarious in this film.

I hope everyone gets a chance to watch this film! It is a classic for a good reason.

I am going to continue the Cary Grant trend with something else fun. I think maybe we will try My Favorite Wife.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

Susan Marlowe CPA loves Monsters, Inc. 3D

-Susan Marlowe CPA

the nyc talon

Walt Disney Studios and Monsters Inc. wish you happy holidays!


Being a 90s child, I cannot tell you how excited I am that Monsters Inc. is back – and in 3D! Monsters Inc. 3D hits theaters tomorrow – but you can print out these fun activity sheets right now! Keep your kiddos entertained with these mazes, doorhanger, coloring page, and hexaflexagon (try saying that three times fast)!image012


I can’t wait to watch Sully, Mike, and Boo wreak havoc in Monstropolis again!

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Susan Marlowe CPA and the joy of a G rating

Update 11/4/12

Susan Marlowe CPA and the G Rating

The G rating is an endangered species. Most family films have the slightly edgier PG rating and everything else aimed at the young ones goes for PG-13. I am not the only one to notice this. Well, G isn’t dead yet and I decided to try to put up a list of my favorite G rated fare. Before starting, I should mention that a 60’s or 70’s G is a different animal from the modern G. Just saying. Without further fanfare, Susan Marlowe CPA will take on the G-rated film! I plan to watch nothing but G-rated films for the month of November. Can I do it? It’s pretty crazy, actually. Hee hee

Susan Marlowe CPA’s G-Rated Adventures, Part One:

Well, I decided to start with Oliver!, the last G-rated movie to win an Oscar. While I was waiting for that to arrive from Netflix, I got busy with the Susan Marlowe CPA movie collection. I decided that I would re-watch My Fair Lady, which is one of those movies that surprises me about the G rating. Not that it is super wild or anything, it just has some grown-up themes. Ah but what a movie! That review will be coming up!

Thanks from Susan Marlowe CPA!