Children of Heaven (1997) | A family film review from Susan Marlowe CPA

Children of Heaven (1997)

Hello from Susan Marlowe CPA. Today, we are going to take a Persian detour. When you think “family film”, a nominee for the  Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award is probably not on the top of your list. To many viewers, foreign language equals something fairly adult in content. The 1997 Iranian film Children of Heaven is not your cliched foreign film. It is a simple story about two young siblings who are trying to deal with their life in poverty as best they can. However, rather than being a depressing meditation of the poor, it is a celebration of the sweet, childish view of life that they share.

Even though this film is subtitled, there is minimal dialogue, which makes it an ideal film to introduce younger children to foreign movies. The young actors are excellent, their story is sweet and moving. Children may be surprised by the abrupt ending but there is nothing sad or depressing to worry about. The film is beautifully shot with a slow, dream-like pace. The slower pace may be difficult for some children who are used to bright colors and things that go boom. My nephews complained at first but they soon became interested in this lovely little film.

I would say that children as  young as 7 or 8 may enjoy this film. It also provides an ideal opening for parents to discuss different cultures, how we are both similar and different. It also gives an opportunity to talk about how poverty is relative in different parts of the world. All in all, a lovely film not to be missed.