Susan Marlowe CPA Reports on her first movie club night

Update from Susan Marlowe CPA 3/13/2012

Welcome back from Susan Marlowe CPA. So, hopefully  the burning question on everyone’s mind is: how did the movie night go?

Extremely well, as it happens.

My niece, nicknamed Kimi Peck, wanted Roman Holiday to be our movie of choice and to serve Italian food. Our friends all brought something in the theme and we had a delicious dinner with our movie. The Spaghetti a la Susan Marlowe was tasty but I was in a hurry and the noodles came out a bit al dente. Oh well, no one seemed to mind.

The movie was a huge hit and we had some of Kimi’s friends get converted in their love of Gregory Peck. So, all in all, a smashing success. Afterward, we discussed the movie, compared it to other princess movies and talked about how gender relations have changed since the 50’s. I was very glad to introduce all of these topics to my younger guests. The guests who were more my age all had good insights. All in all, a good time had by all.

What movie shall we do next? We shall see!

Thanks from Susan Marlowe CPA!